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Health Campus and Osaka Bio Headquarters confirm cooperation during princely mission


During the princely mission led by Princess Astrid and Flemish minister-president Jan Jambon, the Health Campus concluded a cooperation agreement with Osaka Bio Headquarters, the life science network organisation of Osaka province in Japan. This is the first international collaboration for the new campus, and is being developed by POM Limburg and UHasselt. 

A Belgian delegation of 600 participants embarked on an important economic trade mission in Japan the day before yesterday. Led by Princess Astrid, business leaders, officials and academic representatives are strengthening ties with Japan. Various contracts between Belgian and Japanese companies are being concluded, including a collaboration between the Health Campus and Osaka Bio Headquarters. 

Lighthouse site  
POM Limburg and UHasselt’s aim with the Health Campus is to create a new lighthouse location for healthcare innovation in Flanders and beyond. To strengthen its ecosystem internationally, the campus is now partnering with Japan’s Osaka Bio Headquarters. With a view to innovation and departing from the regional operation, the cooperation mainly aims at international knowledge exchange.  

Osaka Bio Headquarters was established by Osaka province, which will host the 2025 World Expo on the theme of healthy living. The organisation wants to strengthen international collaborations around life sciences and is specifically looking for overseas networks to do so. The ecosystems of the two institutions are complementary: while Osaka is getting acquainted with a dynamic, young ecosystem, the Health Campus is learning from an experienced partner. In addition, Limburg campus residents will gain access to a larger international market. 

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POM Limburg implements the socio-economic policy of the province of Limburg.