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Boost Bouw Limburg

In Boost Bouw Limburg, POM Limburg and Embuild Limburg join forces to focus on two of the most important challenges in the construction sector: profitability and sustainability. How? By devising customised programmes on digital and circular construction.

More digital and sustainable for greater returns.

The construction sector is facing profound challenges: profitability is under great pressure, profit margins are often dipping below zero, and productivity and efficiency are also down.

There are several causes at the root of it:

  • Failure costs running high due to avoidable errors at every stage of the construction process
  • Time-consuming administrative burden
  • Too many manual actions

POM Limburg and Embuild Limburg know from experience that thorough digitisation can help here. That is why we are joining forces to boost digitisation in businesses in Limburg.

We do this in different ways:

  • Digital transformation pathways for construction SMEs, so that these SMEs learn to organise planning, control, and follow-up of a construction site in a digital and efficient manner.
  • Bringing together ambitious companies to initiate pilot projects.
  • Energising the whole sector, both in terms of digital enterprise and innovations such as digital marketing, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and data mining.

Sustainability in every step of the construction process

Construction creates a lot of waste and high CO2 emissions: not just during the construction process but also after, as a completed building in its own right.

That is why we are launching an intensive programme on circular construction. The aim is to create awareness in construction companies, and use this awareness to bring about a turnaround. The programme focuses on – among other things – reusable materials, energy values. and operation and maintenance with minimal environmental impact.

We will use various multidisciplinary projects to enhance the knowledge on circular construction in our region, and also apply this knowledge in collaborations with innovative companies. This way, promising Limburg companies and initiatives can count on extra support. And become frontrunners in Europe.

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© POM Limburg 2025
POM Limburg implements the socio-economic policy of the province of Limburg.