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Cobotassist Interreg Vlaanderen-Nederland

Manufacturing companies today face the challenge of delivering high-quality, personalized products at low costs and short lead times. Although post-processing of products, such as sanding or polishing, is essential to achieve the desired final quality, it is often time-consuming, expensive, and labor-intensive.


To accelerate the integration ofcobot technologyin the manufacturing industry, seven partners are joining forces within the COBOTASSIST project ofInterreg Flanders-Netherlands.Through cross-border collaboration, the project partners aim to increase production efficiency in manufacturing companies, improve the quality of their end products, and optimize working conditions. Therefore, the project lays the foundation for sustainable innovation and competitiveness in the manufacturing industry.


  • Innovation in post-processing: evaluation of the applicability of cobots for automated post-processing in SME manufacturing companies.
  • Knowledge and training: development of training modules and hands-on workshops for cobotized post-processing, targeting both companies and educational institutions.
  • Pilot/voucher program: implementation of a voucher program where companies have the opportunity to integrate a cobot into their production processes with support from the project.


  • Technology and knowledge transfer: comprehensive needs analysis, development of inspiring demonstrators, and wide dissemination of technological knowledge and best practices.
  • Intensive training and workshops: for companies and educational institutions, aimed at increasing technological knowledge and stimulating innovation.
  • Voucher program: Encouraging companies to experiment with cobots through vouchers, including technical training and support.
  • Matchmaking and networking: organizing events focused on knowledge exchange and connecting technology providers with manufacturing companies.

Project partners

COBOTASSIST is a collaboration between various Dutch and Flemish organizations. The consortium consists of:

  • Avans Hogeschool
  • Breda Robotics
  • Fontys
  • High Tech NL
  • POM Limburg
  • Sirris
  • SyntraPXL


This partnership pools expertise to develop practical solutions and training programs that support the application of cobots in the manufacturing industry, focusing on improving production processes and working conditions.

© POM Limburg 2024
POM Limburg implements the socio-economic policy of the province of Limburg.