The QRM4.0 project supports companies looking to reduce their lead times.

Manufacturing companies can grow, thanks to Quick Response Manufacturing. This growth strategy tackles waiting times on all fronts: from order entry to engineering, from production to dispatch.

We utilise the Interreg QRM4.0 project to familiarise companies from the Meuse-Rhine region with new strategies, such as industry 4.0 and QRM. The manufacturing sector has always been a pillar of the Limburg economy, but its importance in employment and turnover is waning. QRM allows us to get ahead again.

Project partners

  • POM Limburg
  • Workitects
  • Sirris
  • Brightlands
  • Zuyd University of Applied Sciences
  • Fontys
  • Sowalfin
  • Basse-Meusse développement
  • Technifutur

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© POM Limburg 2024
POM Limburg implements the socio-economic policy of the province of Limburg.