Digital construction

The construction sector is facing profound challenges: profitability is under great pressure, profit margins are often dipping below zero, and productivity and efficiency are also down.

There are several causes at the root of it:

  • Failure costs running high due to avoidable errors at every stage of the construction process
  • Time-consuming administrative burden
  • Manual activities and operations

POM Limburg and Confederatie Bouw Limburg know from experience that thorough digitisation can help here. That is why we are joining forces in the Boost Bouw Limburg project to boost digitisation in businesses in Limburg.

Digitisation: an undeniable evolution

Digitisation is a global phenomenon that is inevitably heading our way, and construction is no different. Sooner or later, construction companies will have to jump on the digital bandwagon. This means: saying farewell to old, time-consuming working methods, and making way for efficiency gains, automation, and new technologies.


We spur the Limburg construction industry into action with inspiring videos, testimonies, and project reports. Many steps have already been made in terms of digitalisation, and we want to show them.


Figures prove it: digitising is investing in growth. We will inform Limburg construction companies with the help of tips, up-to-date figures, and useful tutorials so that they can get started in an informed way.


When companies feel informed and inspired, we put them further along the right track. As such, we provide step-by-step support.

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© POM Limburg 2024
POM Limburg implements the socio-economic policy of the province of Limburg.