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Hydrogen Society Limburg

Hydrogen Society Limburg wants to utilise local business and knowledge clusters to build the hydrogen economy in Limburg.

Why hydrogen in Limburg?

Limburg has the ambition to be a pioneer in the field of sustainable and low-carbon energy. The expansion of a hydrogen ecosystem should contribute to this.

The focus is on:

  • Sustainability: promoting low-carbon mobility and industry.
  • Innovation: increasing competition by developing technology and business processes.
  • Local: employment, healthier living environment, new customer needs.

One thing is certain: we must phase out fossil fuels as soon as possible. The energy carriers of the future include (green) electricity, hydrogen, and biogas. More initiatives have sprung up in neighbouring countries and regions in recent years, and the European and regional governments are also taking a closer look at hydrogen.

Hydrogen, as a raw material or a replacement of fossil fuels, is suitable for mobility (mainly heavy and long-distance traffic) and for many industries.

As yet, Limburg is still a blind spot in pilot and demonstration projects on hydrogen. This is not only detrimental to our province’s image, but also makes new hydrogen projects here less likely to be launched.

Enter Hydrogen Society Limburg, which we want to utilise to encourage all kinds of bodies and businesses to realise their hydrogen ambitions in Limburg.

We will start with several projects on mobility, such as the expansion of filling stations. These developments serve as the driver for further expansion of the hydrogen economy in Limburg.

Limburg holds a strong position in the (energy) landscape:

  • A strong logistics region with major traffic hubs and waterways, in a central location and therefore quickly accessible from all over Europe.
  • Great trust between partners, who are regionally close and strongly connected.
  • Presence of relevant knowledge institutions such as colleges and universities and innovative logistics or manufacturing companies.

Limburg is a frontrunner in the energy transition, with:

POM Limburg utilises Hydrogen Society Limburg to encourage companies to invest in green hydrogen technology. The short-term focus is on switching the mobility of heavy and long-distance traffic to hydrogen. Limburg mobility acts as a driver to realise a fully fledged hydrogen economy in the medium term. An economy that builds infrastructure, gathers knowledge, and promoted innovation.

Our approach: building local hydrogen clusters

Local companies show an interest in hydrogen, but indicate that it is difficult for a single company to start a hydrogen ecosystem. For this reason, we will initiate collaboration clusters.

The objective of these clusters is:

  • Creating insight into the necessary investments and technical requirements.
  • Connecting participating organisations with knowledge institutions or innovative parties (where necessary).

The focus is on local parties with specific plans for hydrogen use in zero-emission vehicles and associated tank infrastructure.

The great trust between Limburg’s partners ensures an open and ambitious atmosphere that significantly increases the chances of success for such innovative projects.

Hydrogen Society Limburg objectives

  • Attracting knowledge, activity, and specialised workers.
  • Building infrastructure: including a minimum coverage network of filling stations.
  • Developing the hydrogen-related manufacturing industry: including by way of start-ups.
  • Attract international projects: including for waterways, pipelines, and heavy transport routes.

Hydrogen Society Limburg was given financial support from Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking as part of the ‘project development assistance for regions’.

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© POM Limburg 2025
POM Limburg implements the socio-economic policy of the province of Limburg.